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THE podcast BLOG

Confidence to Create: Igniting Your Inner Bravery & Creativity



You've landed on my podcast blog page all about working and living in Freedom Culture!  As a small city Mom of 6, it has been imperative that I have flexibility in my work and life and I am just over here trying to share goodies that can help you find your freedom culture too!




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Confidence to Create: Igniting Your Inner Bravery & Creativity

Hello freedom culture aficionados! 

Today, I am diving into a topic that’s close to my heart: having the confidence to create and nurturing the bravery that brings out our inner creativity. 

I’m thrilled to share insights on building the confidence to create the life and work you truly desire. Today, we’ll delve into personal stories, mindsets, and actionable tips to help you unleash your inner creativity and bravery. 

Discovering Entrepreneurship

When I was in high school, the idea of becoming an entrepreneur seemed foreign—something only accessible to those with family businesses or unique skills. It wasn’t until I met my first mentor at 30 that my perspective changed. This mentor introduced me to concepts like creating your own economy, thinking for yourself, and taking responsibility for your choices. These ideas were revolutionary for me, setting me on a path toward entrepreneurship.

The Power of Mindset

Often, we focus so much on our limitations that we overlook the possibilities within our reach. My mentor’s teachings emphasized the importance of looking beyond restrictions and creating within the boundaries we have. One key takeaway was the need to shift our mindset from seeing obstacles to recognizing opportunities for innovation and creation.

Igniting Creativity with Confidence

A recurring theme in my conversations with others is overcoming imposter syndrome—a term that wasn’t even in my vocabulary when I started my entrepreneurial journey. Many of us feel that our unique talents and perspectives aren’t valuable, but that’s far from the truth. The simple act of starting this podcast was a leap of faith for me, driven by the belief that my voice could possibly make a positive impact on someone’s life.

If I’d let fear and self-doubt take over, I wouldn’t be here today, sharing my experiences and insights. Remember, not everyone may resonate with your message, but those who need to hear it will find it valuable.

Finding Your Creative Spark

Creativity isn’t limited to traditional arts like painting or drawing. It’s the ability to imagine and bring something new into existence. As children, we excel at creating imaginary worlds, but we often lose this skill as we grow older. However, it’s never too late to reignite that spark. Whether it’s painting, journaling, or any other hobby, giving ourselves permission to explore and play can open up a world of possibilities. One powerful quote I recently created for my newsletter, Freedom Fridays, summarizes this perfectly: “When our bravery ignites our creativity, the light within us projects our confidence onto the canvas of our lives.” This philosophy encourages us to be brave in our creative endeavors, trusting that our inner light will guide us to share our unique gifts with the world.

Turning Passions into Actions

If you believe you aren’t creative, think again. Everyone has a creative side waiting to be unleashed. For years, I believed I lacked creativity because I didn’t excel in traditional artistic endeavors. However, I discovered that creativity manifests in various ways, including problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. Start by identifying the things that light you up. What hobbies or interests bring you joy? Take small steps to incorporate these activities into your daily life. Perhaps there are local groups or online classes that can help you nurture these passions.

Creating Your Ideal Life

Building confidence and creativity isn’t limited to business—it applies to life as well. Ask yourself if you’re truly happy with your current situation. If not, explore ways to introduce more joy and passion into your daily routine. This could involve taking up a new hobby, volunteering, or even starting a side hustle that aligns with your interests.

Focus on the “What,” Not the “How”

When embarking on a new venture, it’s easy to get bogged down by the “how” of making it all happen. Instead, focus on the “what”—what do you want to achieve? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals and passions, the path to achieving them will start to reveal itself. Trust that your environment and the universe will support your efforts.


The journey of building confidence and creativity is ongoing. Surround yourself with supportive individuals, network with like-minded people, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether through my courses, discovery calls, or simply following my content, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Remember, “someday” isn’t a day of the week. Take actionable steps toward your goals today. Write them down, create a timeline, and work towards them. Happiness and creativity aren’t destinations to be reached; they are practices to be incorporated into our daily lives. Thank you for being part of the Freedom Culture community. I’m excited to see what you create with your newfound confidence and bravery. Let’s create a brighter, more creative future together. If you’d like to share your thoughts or need further inspiration, join our Freedom Fridays newsletter for your weekly shot of inspiration. Simply DM me the word “Friday” on Instagram, and we’ll get you set up. Let’s keep this journey of creativity and confidence going strong. Until next time, stay brave and keep creating!

To view more resources, check out my website @

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Hi, I'm Steph

Just getting the hang of this podcast blog thing!  Haha...having 6 kids is easier than this!  I promise I won't stop until it's great!

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